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Much is often made of the millennial generation's reluctance to be held back by outdated stereotypes. As a white man born just before the digital age, I think my generation is really starting to embrace this idea. A few months ago, an eighth grade girl told me that she had just realized how old-fashioned it was for boys to do house work around their parents or at least help out on occasion. This only took 16 years for us members of Gen Y (generally known as millennials) to realize it! Long story short, I am now doing some rather odd things with my clothes on occasion. [emphasis added] I often go for a walk in the park when it is nice out and I don't have many other places to go. Of course, since I am a white guy in his late twenties, I am usually alone and experiencing some isolation. Sometimes when I'm out there, I'll see a group of people in shorts and short sleeves. And they're just sitting around on benches just doing nothing. It really bothers me knowing that because of my race (white), all these people are judging me for what little clothing I am wearing! What's the point? It makes no difference if they say anything to me at all, right? After all, why should they even bother talking to me anyway... they're just being racist! It is so sad to think that my culture is demeaning itself by gradually becoming more and more generic. Anyway, I don't even pay attention to what they are saying... I have better things to do than listen to them talk about me. And since my wardrobe is so boring, it's unlikely that anyone will notice me at all. The truth of the matter is that by sticking to basic basic clothes, I am essentially letting everyone know that I am no different from them! We are all white people here! Big deal! He's wearing basic clothes because he has no choice ... he is a white guy! When I look at myself from a distance, I know that I'm just being me. And because of the clothes that I wear, it's hard for others to judge what kind of person I may be. They would never know that I love lawn darts or even care about sports at all! With a little creativity, my clothing gives me the freedom to actually be myself. ... When I think about it, why would anyone want to restrict themselves by wearing uniforms? Take school uniforms for example. At first glance, this idea seems to make sense ... but think about it. Uniforms are for kids. Kids should wear uniforms because they are kids . It's like making everyone wear the same clothes in kindergarten because there is an overabundance of untalented artists! I mean, shouldn't we be trying to foster creativity? As far as I can tell, there are only two reasons why adults should be forced to wear uniforms ... (1) they work in law enforcement or (2) they're in jail. Aside from that, it seems like the only people advocating for this idea are pedophiles and creative geniuses. I know that by wearing creative clothing, I am constantly being judged by everyone around me... cfa1e77820